






until that Day…

要結束還早 怎能停下腳步
uh- lalala…
uh uh-

要是就這麼放棄 拒絕面對困境
uh- lalala…
uh uh-

這樣一副臭皮囊的身軀 不管甚麼時候
就算切成一塊塊來賣也沒關係 但是只有這顆心
絕對不可以 交給任何人

常常會懷疑 究竟是為了甚麼
儘管這樣的念頭 不是說沒有

不是那麼單純 就算有些滑稽
uh- lalala…
uh uh-

只要一個微笑 談上一兩句話
只需如此 就感覺彷彿瞭解了對方的一切
要是有人這麼想 那可錯得離譜了

這份笑容的原因 這段談話的意義
怎麼可能傳達出去 因為我壓根就不曾
企圖傳達甚麼 又能怎麼辦呢
是的除了你以外 沒有任何人認識
真正的 我

要是有一天 我離開了這裡
那時候 相信你一定是帶著滿意的表情
用力地 揮著手吧

要是有一天 我離開了這裡
那時候 相信你一定是帶著滿意的表情
靜靜地 點著頭吧

直到 那一天的來臨……

until that Day…

I can't yet end up, I can't stop
I've always got it over in such a way, haven't I?
uh- lalala...
uh uh-

If I throw it out and turn my back
It's rude to the tears I shed at that time, isn't it?
uh- lalala...
uh uh-

You see? I don't care at all
Whenever and however I may sell this body by the piece
But I never give over my heart alone to anyone else

You see? There sometimes are the days
When I think until when and for what purpose
I just have to keep on going forward this way
But because you are watching me ...

It's not so simple, I don't care even if I look laughable
It's uninteresting to live only for myself
uh- lalala...
uh uh-

Hey, that person thinks as if he knew everything about me
Just after we smiled and talked a little together
A big mistake

Hey, the reason of this smile and the meaning of this word can't be understood
Because I don't even want to make them understood
It can't be helpe
Indeed, no one knows about real me
More than you

You see? If I run out of this place some day
I'm sure they will wave their arms
With satisfied looks

You see? If I run out of this place some day
I'm sure they will nod quietly
With satisfied looks

I ask you for keeping on watching me
Until that day...

words: ayumi hamasaki
music: CMJK
english translation: masa
